Sarah Carter (Brianne Davis) is the main protagonist of the 2019 Lifetime film, Saving My Baby (alternately titled, Expectant Mother; airdate January 4, 2019), only to appear as an anti-villainess in a brief dream sequence.
The film introduced Sarah Carter as the wife of Travis Carter, as well as being 8.5 months pregnant with their child, a daughter named Lillian ("Lily" for short). In the beginning of the film, Sarah was run off the road and hospitalized, giving birth to Lily while being laid up in the hospital.
While Travis was suspected of the attempt on Sarah, as his car was used, the culprit was revealed as Jessica, who was introduced as Sarah's friend, but was actually Travis' girlfriend and partner in a con that targeted Sarah.
Alternate Reality Heel Turn[]
Jessica became unstable and jealous over Travis' marriage to Sarah, leading to Jessica's attempt on Sarah and later abducting Lily, after which Jessica demanded $1 million from Sarah in exchange for Lily. Later on, Sarah had a nightmare which saw her meet with Jessica at an undisclosed area and demand her daughter back, only for Jessica to snidely comment that she decided to keep Lily.
In response, Sarah turned heel in response by pointing a gun at Jessica and shooting her to death, all while establishing her heel persona with an ominous expression. Sarah woke up from her nightmare, leaving her alternate villainous persona's fate unknown.
Brianne Davis |
Miranda Harton | Erika Hutton | Sarah Carter | Christie Dancer | Ava Von Richter |