Villainous Beauties Wiki
Kelsie Hillman

Villainous adulteress Kelsie Hillman

Kelsie Hillman (Sophie Gendron) is a minor antagonist from the 2019 Lifetime film, My Mom's Darkest Secrets (alternately titled, The Mother She Found Online; airdate December 20, 2019).


Kelsie Hillman is the wife of Michael Hillman, as well as the aunt of Amy Hillman; however, Kelsie was also engaged in an affair with Michael's brother (and Amy's father), Trevor Hillman. Their affair lasted three years, though at some point, Michael (who had always despised Trevor) found out and began masterminding a plan to kill his brother. His hired gun was James Wilson, and while James failed to kill Trevor while he and Sara were out late at night, he later entered the Hillman house (after Michael gave him the code to their security system) and shot Trevor to death.

Regarding Kelsie, she spoke fondly of Trevor while meeting Sara's long lost daughter, Ashley Beckford (the film's main protagonist), but later in the film, a drunk Michael appeared outside Kelsie's house and revealed that he had known about her affair, while also cryptically confessing to being behind Trevor's murder, which he blamed on Kelsie. Ashley and Amy investigated Trevor's murder after Sara was accused and arrested, and they eventually found out about Kelsie's affair from a restaurant employee. The girls went to Kelsie's house and saw that her car matched the employee's description, after which Kelsie spotted the girls outside.

Heel Turn[]

Kelsie Hillman Heel Turn

Kelsie turning heel against Amy and Ashley

After bringing Ashley and Amy inside her home, Kelsie confessed to her affair with Trevor, while adding that she had informed Michael that she would divorce him. She defended her affair by stating that Michael was holding Trevor down, while also bringing up Michael's alcoholism and habitual disappearances, adding that Michael was angry and violent when he drank. In response to Ashley's question about whether Michael knew, Kelsie brought up Michael's visit and his revelation that he had known and had Trevor killed, blaming herself for Trevor's death.

Despite her remorse over the affair, Kelsie turned heel in response to Ashley and Amy's pleas for her to go to the police, doing so by refusing and stating that she wanted "all of this" to go away. In addition, the villainous Kelsie stated that she was still legally married to Michael and she didn't have to testify against him, indicating that she would allow Michael to get away with murder. The film's climax saw Michael killed in a shootout, but not before confessing to masterminding Trevor's murder, though Kelsie's fate wasn't revealed.


  • Though not entirely villainous, Kelsie served as an antagonist due to the fact that her refusal to report her husband's murderous admission was an obstacle in Amy and Ashley's quest. Kelsey was portrayed as a woman who loved Trevor, but despite this, she was willing to cover up Michael's role in Trevor's murder if it meant that the affair could remain hidden from public opinion.


  • Sophie Gendron also played Lifetime villainesses Ellie Hollings and Dominique Masterson in Demons from Her Past and Dead at 17, respectively.

