The unnamed Blonde Kidnapper is a villainess from American Horror Stories' first episode, "Rubber(wo)Man, Part 1" (airdate July 15, 2021).
The kidnapper is a villainess from the past of main protagonist Scarlett, as she and her fathers, Troy and Michael, were in a session with therapist Andi Grant. During the session, Troy revealed that his and Michael's overprotection was due to the fact that Scarlett was kidnapped when she was three years old; during that time, Troy placed Scarlett in the backseat of his SUV, but as he was about to place the groceries in the trunk, he was attacked by a blonde woman in a hoodie, who later stole Troy's vehicle, along with Scarlett.
As the couple revealed, the villainess had a tragic backstory: her own daughter was murdered by her ex-husband, and afterwards, the grieving woman was driven to madness and turned heel with her abduction of Scarlett, with the blonde's heel turn being motivated by her need to fill the void left by her daughter's death. Scarlett went missing for 10 days until a pediatrician's office called the police, as the villainess took Scarlett to the office for checkups. The abductor was quickly arrested (off-screen).