Villainous Beauties Wiki
Elizabeth Caulfield

Serial killer/kidnapper Elizabeth Caulfield

Elizabeth Caulfield (Kaye Tuckerman) was the secondary villainess from the 2021 film, The Girl Who Got Away.

Elizabeth Caulfield's backstory revealed that she once worked as a night nurse, but she was suddenly fired from the hospital due to her erratic behavior. The film also revealed that she was engaged in an affair with married police officer Gerry Bailey, which resulted in the birth of her daughter, Katie Caulfield, however, at some point in 1998, Elizabeth turned heel and abducted several girls, one of them being Christina Bowden. The maniacal villainess ended up murdering four of the girls, though Christina ended up escaping and was rescued.

Elizabeth was arrested and convicted, and had been transferred to various facilities until eventually escaping from custody in the film's events, doing so by killing the people who held her in custody. The film's progression saw Elizabeth kill various people connected to Christina: her boyfriend, Tom Foster, married couple Eileen and Terry Caldwell, and even their adopted daughter, Lisa Spencer (who Christina had been attempting to adopt herself). Prior to finding Lisa's body, Christina actually faced Elizabeth before running in panic, only to be shown Lisa's body by local cop Jamie Nwosu.

In the film's climax, the evil Elizabeth broke into the Bailey household and murdered Gerry, wife Arlene, and daughter Amy before taking Amy's unborn baby (a girl) from the womb. Afterwards, Christina left Jamie's police car and came face-to-face with Elizabeth, who presented the baby to Christina and loudly ordered Christina to thank her, as she had done everything for her due to the revelation that Christina was actually her daughter. Christina thanked Elizabeth before stabbing her, but later on, Elizabeth arose and went after Christina, only for the villainess to be shot and killed by Jamie.


  • Elizabeth Caulfield was introduced as the main villainess, but this was done to hide the film's true main antagonist.