Villainous Beauties Wiki

The evil and murderous Beth

Beth (Johanna Liauw) is the hidden main villainess from the 2021 Lifetime film, College Professor Obsession (alternately titled, Deadly Dormitory; airdate July 11, 2021).


Beth is a student at Goldbridge University, and was introduced as one of two new roommates of main protagonist Jenny Willis, the other being Sarah. She displayed a welcoming demeanor to Jenny, while often acting rude towards Sarah, adding that Sarah had been upset over her last roommate, Elaine, who died tragically. In the film's progression, Jenny attends each of her classes during her first day, with one of them being a psychology class taught by Dr. Eric Davrow, who makes a negative impression on Jenny.

Part of Davrow's antagonism included giving Jenny a C grade on her project, while even suggesting that Jenny would get better grades if she dressed better. Beth responded to Jenny's protests to Davrow's conduct by agreeing with the assessment and suggesting that Jenny acquiesce, with Jenny refusing but eventually giving in out of fear of losing her scholarship for track. Beth provided a black dress and high heels for Jenny, and as a result of her new look, Jenny received a B on her next paper. However, a school gathering sees Davrow force himself on Jenny and demand sex in exchange for an A grade, only for Jenny to fight off his advances and run off.

Upon finding out, Beth--while revealing that she had done the same regarding Davrow--voiced her shock over Davrow's advances, though she refused to help Jenny report him, doing so after Jenny received failing grades in response to the incident. While at a theme park, Sarah provided another revelation: both she and Elaine were victims of Davrow's advances, with Beth admonishing Sarah for sleeping with Davrow and judging her, after which Sarah stated that Elaine was murdered to keep quiet. Both Sarah and Jenny decided to come forward, only to be pushed off a ledge by a hooded attacker, with Jenny hanging on while Sarah fell, but survived.

Heel Turn/Reveal[]

Beth Heel Turn

Beth holding Jenny and Kyle at gunpoint

The film's climax saw Kyle join both Beth and Jenny in their quest, coming after Kyle revealed himself as Elaine's boyfriend, as well as the person who broke into their room looking for evidence of Davrow's actions, as Elaine sent texts to him regarding photos before she was killed. Beth attempted to convince Jenny that Kyle was lying, but Jenny decided to help on the search, which resulted in Jenny finding an envelope that was revealed to contain photos of Davrow and Beth together, but afterwards, Beth turned heel by holding Jenny and Kyle at gunpoint; putting on a pair of gloves before unleashing her weapon.

Beth voiced her love for Davrow and lashed out at Jenny for being "ungrateful," while saying that Elaine was the same way. The villainess revealed that Elaine had found out about their tryst and threatened to expose Davrow, which would also result in Beth being kicked out of school, leading to Beth pursuing Elaine on the night of a party and threaten her at gunpoint. The confrontation ended with Elaine falling off the roof and to her death, though Beth also admitted to the attempt on Jenny and Sarah as well. The villainess voiced her gratitude over Kyle and Jenny finding the photos and demanded them, only for the pair to fight off Beth and escape.

Afterwards, the evil Beth continued to pursue Jenny and Kyle, and after catching them outside the school, she voiced her plan to kill both of them and set up Kyle as a jealous boyfriend who killed Elaine and Jenny, forcing Beth to kill Kyle in self defense. After Beth shot Kyle (who survived), Jenny went after the villainess and successfully disarmed her, which was followed by Davrow (who killed not only Professor Harrington but also Ms. Kingsley--a fellow teacher and one of Davrow's lovers) being killed by Jenny's mother, Kristin Willis, with a gunshot. As Kyle was being placed in an ambulance, Beth was shown in the back of a police car; having been arrested for her various crimes.


  • Johanna Liauw also played psychotic villainess Devan Walters in 2020's The Wrong Cheerleader Coach.

