Villainous Beauties Wiki

The villainous Bernadette

Bernadette (Virginia Gardner) was a villainess from "BA'AL," the antepenultimate episode of American Horror Stories' first season (airdate August 5, 2021).


Bernadette is a receptionist at a fertility clinic, and she was shown approaching main protagonist Liv Whitley regarding her many attempts to become pregnant. Having seen Liv and feeling for her, Bernadette gave Liv a fertility totem and advised her to place it under her and Matt's bed as they made love. Sure enough, Liv accepted the totem, which works, as she became the mother of an baby boy named Aaron. However, as the episode progressed, strange things began to happen--including demonic noises, the totem suddenly changing into a demonic figure, and an ancient demon, Ba'al, appearing to come after Aaron.

Reveal and Death[]

Bernadette Reveal

Bernadette's reveal as a villainous conspirator

Later on, Liv confronted Bernadette at the clinic's parking lot, and it was at that moment that Bernadette revealed that she was a Wiccan, having tons of lore at her house. She later gave Liv a banishment ritual to force Ba'al away from the house, while also providing Liv with an athame for protection. As Liv performed the ritual, she ended up accidentally stabbing Matt's shoulder, and she ended up institutionalized as a result, with Matt visiting her.

After Matt leaves, however, he entered Bernadette's car and made out with her, revealing them as illicit lovers. In addition, the pair had conspired to have Liv permanently committed, with their friends, Emma, Rory, and Stan as co-conspirators. Regarding Bernadette, she feigned being a Wiccan as part of the scheme and provided the totem that was made by Emma, with the planned result being a series about gaslighting. However, all of Matt's co-conspirators ended up killed by the actual Ba'al, who was summoned by Liv as part of her vengeful plot, with the demon breaking Bernadette's neck.
