Villainous Beauties Wiki
Amber Olson

The psychotic Amber Olson

Amber Olson (Kaley Ronayne) is the main villainess from "Followers," episode 2.05 of The Equalizer (airdate November 7, 2021).


Amber Olson's backstory revealed that she was once good friends with Vicki Howell back when they attended junior high together, but once they reached their high school years, Vicki became popular, with Amber feeling abandoned by her one-time friend. Out of envy over Vicki's popularity, Amber became desperate to become popular herself, but after failing to do so in high school, she tried other methods after graduating. In adulthood, Amber became an influencer and even auditioned for a reality show, but neither method resulted in the attention she craved.


Amber Olson 2

At some point, Amber turned heel by posting a video of herself smothering kittens with a plastic bag, with the animal cruelty resorting in a massive audience for her. Now elated over receiving attention, the crazed villainess decided to go after humans to gain more, with her original target being her former friend, Vicki, and her son Benjamin. A video of Vicki being stalked went viral and caught the attention of "arm chair detectives" Abe and Rachel, who contacted Robyn McCall. The duo mentioned the videos, including the animal cruelty, and tied them to a man named Brandon Mackey, only for Robyn's confrontation with Mackey to reveal that he was innocent and being set up.

Robyn's later confrontation with Abe revealed that he had learned that Mackey was innocent due to a mug featuring a logo from Redbrook High School being at the scene, and afterwards, Robyn rescued "Vicki" from her house, which was followed by "Vicki" giving an elaborate description of the stalker to Robyn and detective Marcus Dante. However, Robyn informed Mel Bayani and Harry Keshegian that she noticed that "Vicki" gave more of a description of the stalker than her son, and after looking into Vicki, high school photos revealed that the woman she rescued was actually Vicki's former friend, Amber, who was later visited by Rachel before escaping.

Vicki and Benjamin were rescued, but later on, the evil Amber attacked Rachel and held her at knifepoint. The deranged villainess tied up Rachel and set up a video camera to record Rachel's planned murder, while boasting that she would be famous and popular. Rachel informed Amber that she was a woman that was pitied instead of worshiped, and afterwards, the evil madwoman took out a plastic bag (the same one she used on the kittens) and was set on suffocating Rachel to death, only for Dante and the rest of the officers to arrive, rescue Rachel, and arrest Amber.


  • Kaley Ronayne also played villainess Shelly Dowd on Blue Bloods.