Villainous Beauties Wiki
Praying Mantis

Movie poster for Praying Mantis

Linda Crandall's unnamed mother is an unseen villainess mentioned in the 1993 TV film, Praying Mantis.

The villainess is the mother of the movie's main villainess, Linda Crandall (aka Lisa Compton, among other aliases).

It was revealed that her husband (Lisa/Linda's father) left her when Lisa/Linda was only a child. The woman turned heel afterwards by emotionally abusing her daughter; repeatedly blaming her for her husband/father leaving them, while also informing the little girl that no man would ever want her.

In the movie's events, Lisa/Linda became a deranged serial killer, marrying men and poisoning them afterwards to maintain the "purity" of her marriages. Lisa/Linda mentioned her parents to her stepson Bobby McAndrews (the son of her latest attempted victim, Don McAndrews), which included revealing her mother as abusive, though she never revealed her mother's fate.

It is unknown if she ever learned of her daughter's death.
